Air Fryer Frozen Onion Rings


Air fryers are truly the best for frozen appetizers! It’s so quick and easy to get any type of frozen fried food, including onion rings, golden brown crispy and delicious.

We’ll talk you through the simple steps to make frozen onion rings in an air fryer and get them golden brown crispy and delicious.

It doesn’t take long, maybe 2-3 minutes, max. Set your air fryer to it’s highest temperature setting (400-450 degrees) and set the time for 3 minutes.

The cooking temperature ranges between 375 and 400 depending on your brand of air fryer as well as the brand of frozen onion rings you use.

If your frozen onion rings package says to bake in the oven at 425°, lower it to 400° for an air fryer.

Typically you want to air fry a bag of frozen onion rings for 10-12 minutes. The timing will depend on the air fryer brand.

Another tip I’ll give you for getting the crispiest air fried onion rings is to shake the basket often.

For a really easy fake garlic aioli dipping sauce, mix once minced garlic clove with 1/3 cup of sour cream and a pinch of salt and pepper. It’s SO good.

Head to the blog to save our Air Fryer Frozen Onion Rings recipe for later!