How to Cut a Mango


If you’ve ever wondered how to cut a mango, you’re not alone. Not only does this tropical fruit have an odd shape, but they can be quite slippery and juicy too!

First, start by washing and drying your mangos before cutting into them. The sap from the tree can be quite sticky, so you want to make sure you rinse this off.

Next look at the shape of the fruit and find the stem. The seed is long, so you’ll want to cut along the wide parts of the fruit. This is typically where the skin dimples in to the stem.

Take a sharp knife, and start cutting about 1/4 inch away from the stem along one wide side of the mango. Your knife should glide along parallel to the seed, so you’ll be cutting along the sides of the pit.

Make the same cut, 1/4 inch away from the stem, on the other side of the fruit. This should give you two round sides, or “cheeks.”

Take the tip of a sharp paring knife and score the inside of the mango halves in a cross like pattern. These will end up being your cut “cubes,” which is just an easy way to dice mangoes.

Next, put a little pressure on the skin of the mango slice and turn it inside out. Then, while holding the inside out mango in one hand, carefully take your knife and cut the cubes away from the skin.

Repeat the last step, cutting into the second half of the mango crosswise, turning it inside out, and cutting the cubes away from the skin.

That’s it! That’s how to cut a mango in 7 easy steps.



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