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I know you’re busy and probably hate a cluttered inbox just as much as I do, which is why I’ll only send you bi-weekly updates every other Tuesday.
As promised, here’s the FREE travel planning guide with tips and packing lists. Just click the link to download.
Our goal is to help you plan your next culinary vacation and temp your tastebuds with a few globally inspired recipes. If your idea of a fun time is going on a cooking safari in Cape Town, hiking through the rainforest to harvest chocolate in Costa Rica, or dining at the number one restaurant in the world, then we’re kindred spirits. We have all sorts of adventures like that to share and we hope to inspire you to take that active culinary vacation you’ve been dreaming about.
You can learn more about us on the About Page, but to give you the quick one-sentence run-down — Rachelle and Pete were drawn together over their love of coffee and foreign films and ended up bonding during a 3000 mile road trip coast-to-coast across the United States.
On The Travel Bite you’ll find helpful travel tips, inspirational photos, tools to help you plan your vacation, recipes, and food stories. If you’re new to the site, here’s some great articles to get you started:
How To Stay Connected With Wifi While Traveling
3 Simple Ways To Survive A Long Flight
How To Get Better Vacation Photos
Stick To Your Fitness Routine While Cruising